
Know the importance of child feeding


The challenges of breastfeeding

The World Health Organization (WHO) advises exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of life, but each woman has the autonomy to decide whether to breastfeed or not.

Know the importance of child feeding

It is necessary that during the pregnancy process the mother reflects with the support of her partner the various aspects that may or may not favor breastfeeding, and how these can be circumvented.

There are no doubts about the benefits that breastfeeding brings to the baby and to the mother, but in practice some women find it very difficult to breastfeed and suffer from the family's incomprehension, and the frustration of not having succeeded.

Advantages of breastfeeding

reast milk is the best food and the most complete for baby. It is so nutritious that a child can only feed on breast milk and does not need to eat or drink anything else.

The benefits of exclusive breastfeeding can be decisive for the child's growth. Milk contains suitable elements that, in addition to being natural, provide important nutrients for the baby, with rare exceptions.

The benefits of breastfeeding are short and long term, and include preventing infections and combating attacks by bacteria and viruses. Breastfed children are less allergic to other types of milk introduced into the diet, and are more protected from intestinal and respiratory infections.

Breastfeeding is not only beneficial for the baby. For the mother, it reduces the risk of postpartum depression, in the short term it reduces the possibility of becoming pregnant, and in the long term it reduces the risk of breast, uterus and ovarian cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

The main difficulties with breastfeeding

  • Little milk production
    Some physical and emotional conditions can reduce the production of breast milk.
    The most common physical conditions are previous breast surgeries and trauma to the breast, poor nipple holding by the baby causing excessive pain when breastfeeding or little sucking of milk.
    Emotional conditions can be postpartum depression or frustrations due to lack of support.
    If you are having difficulty breastfeeding, keeps the milk production stimulating the milk until it adapts.
  • Breastfeeding position
    The baby and the mother must be comfortable during the breastfeeding process. The best position is the one where the baby has all the support on the back and the chin touches the breast.
    You should also make sure that the nipple is in the roof of the mouth, and that the baby's tongue supports the entire underside of the nipple to the areola with the lower lip facing outwards.
    If you are having difficulties you should seek professional help.

How to increase breast milk production

The factor that most stimulates milk production is the baby's own sucking. The better the suction, the more correct the grip, the greater the stimulus and milk production.

When you are not producing enough milk you need to seek your health professionals who can help you understand what is going on, such as doctors, nutritionists, and nurses.

Another factor for milk production to be adequate is the mother's hydration. It is recommended that a woman who is breastfeeding drink 4 liters of water a day, twice as much as normal, avoid coffees and alcoholic beverages as the substances in these drinks can pass to the baby through breastfeeding.

Eating a balanced diet, including consumption of fruits such as water-rich orange and watermelon, vegetables such as green leaves and nutrient-rich tomatoes, and whole grains on a regular basis, is advisable to maintain adequate levels of nutrition.

There is no weak milk, all mothers’ produces milk suitable for her baby, except in situations of extreme malnutrition.


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